OverDrive Announces Changes Starting November 13
November 7, 2024
Attention Libby & OverDrive App users: On Wednesday, November 13, OverDrive will remove the MP3 audiobook format from our OverDrive website and will end support for OverDrive’s desktop app for Windows and Mac.
After this change, you can listen to eAudiobooks using the following options on Libby:
- Stream on a computer using the “Listen now in browser” format on our OverDrive website.
- Stream on a computer using the Libby app.
- Download for offline listening using Libby on a supported Android, iOS or Amazon Fire device.
Learn how to switch to the Libby app:
To read more about this transition:
For more information about this change, visit OverDrive Help.
Planned Software Update Will Require Users to Log Back In
October 30, 2024

Attention Libby App users: On Monday, November 4, an OverDrive account update is scheduled to take place. Please note that after the scheduled update is complete, the first time you reopen the Libby app, you will be asked for your #MPHPL card barcode and PIN. App users should not experience any other inconvenience besides having to log in again after the scheduled update is complete.
Read on for more information on optimizing your Libby experience.
Backing up your data in the Libby App
Creating a passkey is the best way to back up your Libby data. For more information on how to accomplish this, visit this helpful Libby article.
Setting up Libby on another device
Use the helpful steps in this Libby article to set up Libby on another device.
OverDrive App Will Be Discontinued in April
February 24, 2023
Now is the time to get the Libby app! The OverDrive app will cease to work at the end of April. MPHPL encourages you to make the switch to Libby, our newer reading app immediately. Libby is made by the same company, with the same goal of connecting you to our library and to your favorite eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines.

Why is this happening now?
The Libby app was launched in 2017, with the goal of creating a simple and intuitive library app that builds on the core experience from the OverDrive app. The company closely reviewed what was working with the OverDrive app and what could be improved. During this time, the company didn’t want to interrupt the experience for users, so the two apps have both been available.
Thanks to feedback from librarians and readers like you, Libby is now a great app for everyone and there’s no longer a reason to have two apps that do the same thing. If you’ve enjoyed using the OverDrive app, we really hope you’ll love Libby.
Download Libby or visit libbyapp.com to make the change today!
For more information about this change visit this informative OverDrive webpage.