MPHPL Children's Book Bundles
The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library Book Bundle service is for parents/caregivers or classroom teachers who are active MPHPL cardholders. The service provides a way to get a bundle of books based on your child's/student’s interests. Book bundles are currently available for readers birth-age 12.
MPHPL Book Bundles are librarian-selected bundles of up to 10 books grouped together by format, topic or genre. You can select up to three topics per book bundle.
Parents and/or guardians can request a maximum of one book bundle for each child (birth-age 12) at a time. Parents or guardians can request book bundles for a maximum of five children at one time.
Classroom teachers can request a maximum of three book bundles for their students (birth-age 12) at a time.
Please allow up to three business days for the processing of your book bundle order. Once your order is ready, you will receive an email notification to pick up the bundle(s). Book bundles can be picked up at the Circulation Desk of your chosen MPHPL location.
Borrowing Periods:
All books included in a book bundle can be checked out for 21 days. If no hold is placed on a book within your bundle, it will be automatically renewed.